Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a New Year

I heard it said once that, on the average, people put on 7 pounds during the holiday season. Well, the season's over now and there's something about turning that calendar over to a new month AND new year that let's us believe that we have another chance. I still feel that regarding certain aspects of my life.

There's nothing that a diet will do, AA can do for you or "trying to quit smoking" if YOU don't do the work to overcome the addiction. But that's ok, because the good news is that you CAN do it if you really, really want to. Think about it. Isn't that true? Can't you do just about anything you can think of?

Of course you can. Meditate on this concept. See the reality of it. Then do it...


At January 9, 2010 at 7:33 PM , Anonymous Zahra said...

What an inspiring message! I hope anyone with an addiction will take it to heart.

At January 10, 2010 at 8:56 AM , Blogger Linda Joy Allan said...

Thank you Zahra! What a beautiful name you have...


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